Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Praying for 133, 134 and 135

Just a quick little court prayer request...

The three cases that we are currently tracking in court and hope are OUR three cases are officially on the dockets for August 14th (which for us will be tonight). They have finally assigned case #s so we can now pray specifically for:

Case #133 
Case #134 
Case #135

We were hoping we would know by Monday when the next hearing is scheduled for, but it appears they are behind on updating the website (the website is our only source of information right now). They still have not posted the notes from cases heard a week ago. Usually it only takes a couple of business days but they are very behind. If they continue to be behind, I have no idea when we will see the case notes. Please pray they catch up!

We trust whatever timeline God has chosen will be the perfect timeline. We truly believe this, but we are petitioning the Father to be gracious and grant us a QUICK second hearing. In fact I'm praying for either the 25th or 26th of August! 

If you pray for these cases, please pray for favor with the judge and  for there to be no delays. Also, please pray for me and Lance as we wait for our next small sliver of information. It can be discouraging to wake up morning after morning hoping to have an update only to find none. 

Thank you all for your prayers and support! I will post an update as soon as I have one!

Until next time! -K

1 comment:

  1. WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! THis is exciting news! You are getting so close! Definitely praying for the quick second hearing!
