Friday, June 6, 2014

On the beach we forget to count the days...

...unless you're adopting. You always count days when you're adopting. 

Last Sunday, the boys and I loaded up the van (thank God for having a van) and headed down to the beach. It's been two years since we've been to the beach and I am so very grateful that Lance's aunt allowed us to stay in her lovely condo for free, else we would have not come to the beach. Lance had to work (saving his single week of paid vacation for India) but he was able to come down last night just in time for low country boil and he is staying until Sunday. The boys and I leave Monday. My parents and sister also came down which I was super excited about.

It's been beautiful here; a bit of rain the first couple of days but nothing too bad. The water has been crystal clear; no sea weed, no algae, no trash, NO JELLY FISH. Unfortunately the beach is crowded. Lots and lots of people. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever seen the beach so full. You almost cannot walk up and down the beach peacefully without tripping over sun bathers. I could totally do with less people but whatever.

I needed the beach so bad. I needed the relaxation. This adoption has chewed me up and spit me out. I just needed to get away from everything, forget my phone and computer (for a good chunk of the time) and have fun with my boys. I still had a ton of work to do that I left behind. Actually I did bring it with me but I can't get the card reader on Lance's computer to read my card so I can't get to the work! If you are some of that work, I'm REALLY sorry. Please forgive me for the delay, but trust me, it's probably better that I to do the work after than before. I promise I will get work done next week!

The sand and the waves have been therapy for me. There's been a lot of time for little chats with God, simple reflections, deep self-reflections, and a whole lot of just nothing other than enjoying my family. It's like a balm for my weary soul. The tan is just a bonus.

My friend asked me the other day if the beach has made me forget about the adoption. Well, no, but I'm not stressed about it. Although, I do think about and long for the girls a lot. It's hard for me to look out at the boys playing in the sand and not wonder what the girls would think about going to the beach for the first time. 

I met up with another Indi-momma down here on Sunday night. She and her husband just recently came home with their little boy from India. He is a heart stopper! I just want to eat him up, but that's kind of against adoption attachment rules. Totally not fair because his eyelashes alone are drool worthy. Seeing him reminded me that they really do come home... in the flesh. It's a strange feeling of awe and longing. I feel this same way when I see our friends' little girl, Shanti, who came from the same home as K, K and R. Just watching her run around in our church halls blows my mind. Some days the need for the girls to be home is almost palpable. On days like these no amount of sand and sun can make me forget that there are six little bare feet that are running around an orphanage in India when they should be running up and down the beach with us. 

A lot of people have been asking if we have any updates. No, not really. I think, THINK our case is in the court system but we won't really know that for sure until maybe July 3rd. The courts close for the whole month of June so I've told myself to just take a chill pill and enjoy my simple, easy life with two kids for four weeks. On July 2nd/3rd I can freak out to my heart's content (complete oxymoron), but for the month of June I'm gonna chill. What's that you say? Ugh, don't call me a liar, that's rude. ;-)

It's been a week since I mailed off our photo book to the girls. I am praying that they will get it and enjoy it. I wish I could be a fly mosquito on the wall when they open it up and see all the pictures of themselves and their new family. I saw how excited K1 was about Shanti's book so I can only imagine how much they will love seeing it. I'm guessing, "Man, these people are WHITE!" will be the main thought!

It's been FIVE, count em, FIVE weeks since I mailed our passports off. I really sorta kinda need to get those little books back so we can send them off again for visas <---- this kind of makes me nervous because there is a lot of confusion about visas right now. Don't ask... I don't know. See? Totally confused. I just know our passports need visas sooner rather than later.

Well, I think that's it for now. I think I'm going to go relax some more. :)

Until next time! -K

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