Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Okay, so I didn’t get around to posting about our family’s Christmas traditions. I’m actually kind of bummed because half of them didn’t even happen this year. :( I was really looking forward to eating Chinese buffet on Christmas night! Anyways, I just didn’t feel like detailing all the wonderful Christmas traditions... that apparently are not tradition enough! Bleh! But it’s a new year, so let’s just move on and hopefully our 2013 Christmas will be full of more of our family traditions. 

I love the first of the year! It always feels fresh... there is fresh hope in the air. The previous year is finished, done, gone, and now we have a whole new year ahead of us. Most people set resolutions, but I’m not so great at them. I’ve only truly kept a few. So, I tend just to set broad goals and have a general direction that I want my life to go in for the next year. That suits me a bit better.

This year is slightly different and my goals are a bit more concrete. For one, we have two little girls to bring home, so one of my big goals (which I actually set back in the fall) is to have a minimum of $30,000 in our adoption fund by the end of the year. Another goal for myself is that I would show more grace to my family (and as I write this, my boys are about to tip me over the edge of madness). The one goal I want to talk about today is my health goal...

In December of 2011, Lance and I found something that truly changed our life; AdvoCare. I was simply looking to loose a few pounds and create a healthier lifestyle, but AdvoCare was way more than that for us. Not only did it help both Lance and I get into the best shape of our lives (I went from a size 12 to a size 6), it also pushed us to grow personally. We really feel that God provided AdvoCare for this specific season of life, and we are very thankful for it and for the friends who shared it with us. 

One of the things we learned about through AdvoCare was the “slight edge.” A slight edge is  something that is quite small and seems of little consequence, but over time if you allow a slight edge to creep in, it changes things a great deal... for either bad or good. Over the last three months or so, Lance and I have discovered the harsh truth of the slight edge and unfortunately, not for the good. We allowed the busyness of life to create slight edges in our health and lifestyle. Skipping workouts turned into no workouts. Eating out here and there turned into eating out way too much. One soda turned into lots of sodas, etc. Before we realized it, we were heading down the same road we were on before AdvoCare found us just over a year ago. Then came the holidays... enough said. While I can still fit in my pants (which amazes me after all the junk I have eaten) I just feel gross and I don’t like it! We have GOT to recreate our healthy habits!

So, one of my biggest goals for 2013 is to get back on track health wise! AdvoCare just released a new 24 day workout program and I am really excited about starting it. I’m not a big gym person, so I think this is going to be a wonderful fit for me. Lance and I did the Insanity workout for a while, but it is in fact insane and totally killed my joints. I did however like the fact that I could look like a total idiot in the privacy of my own home with only my children laughing at me. We’ve gotten the Can You 24 workout ordered along with another 24 Day Challenge (what we first started on in 2011) and I plan to start as soon as it all comes in next week. I’m not going to speak for Lance, but hopefully he will join me. 

On top of using AdvoCare products and doing the Can You 24 workout, I will be following a gluten free diet. Here’s why...

Yes, that is my almost 30 year old face with no makeup. Sorry if it scares you. Of course this was taken with my iPhone, so my face looks super fat. I hate to even post a picture, but I want to be able to show you progress... if there is any. I am so tired of having acne! It’s gross, it's embarrassing and it's depressing. I have tried just about everything you can imagine and nothing works. 

If you’ve read some of my older blog posts, you know I am a professional at self-diagnosing. The other day I was doing some research and decided that I just may be sensitive to gluten, which could be causing my acne. I have lots of reasons to think this might be the case, so I am going to give the gluten free lifestyle a try. Heck, it’s basically how we all should eat anyway. I will also be doing my darn best to cut out all refined sugar *cries a little*, because I'm pretty sure I have an addiction to sugar equal to that of a heroine addict. I'm thinking sugar combined with the gluten is not making my body and especially my skin happy at all!

Over the next month or so, I plan to post updates about my health goal progress. I’ll post some pictures and such and let you know how I’m doing and feeling. If you see me or talk to me, feel free to ask me about it. Accountability is a good thing. :) 

Oh yeah, I also have a goal of growing my hair out this year. We will see how that goes. If I can just get here (minus the blonde but maybe plus that awesome sweater) I think I’ll be in the clear...

So, what are some of your goals or resolutions for 2013?

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