Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Tragic Loss (WARNING: Disturbing Images)

Good morning everyone! Hope your night was better than mine. We had vomit fest around 1:30am with Asher. The whole family got involved... it was great. :-/

As I drank my Spark (nice mommy juice) this morning, I began to read all the posts on Facebook about today being the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on our country. I remember watching the terrible images on the news in my bedroom because I had stayed home from school sick that day. While I took a moment to remember and say a prayer for those who lost loved ones that tragic day, I began to have a heavy heart for something else...

Almost 3,000 innocent people lost their lives in the U.S. because of this...

It’s horrific and we, as a country, should do everything in our power to make sure this never happens again. The loss of that many lives is tragic beyond words.

They say that the attack on September 11th was the largest loss of life by way of foreign  attack on U.S. soil, but let us also take a moment and consider another horrifying loss of life.

Almost 4,000 innocent babies lose their lives EVERY DAY in the U.S. because of this...

It’s horrific and we, as a country, should do everything in our power to make sure this never happens again. The loss of that many lives is tragic beyond words.

Just something to think about as we go about our day today.


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