Saturday, June 16, 2012

There's Always A First

Hi Y'all! (Yes, I'm a southern girl and we say "y'all")

To be completely honest I've been sitting here staring at my keyboard like a goober for about 10 minutes trying to figure out where to start. (Obviously the best thing I could come up with was "Hi Y'all")

I kind of feel like the first post of a blog is like a first kiss. You're always a tad anxious about it, but you know you want to get it under your belt. You don't want it to be too long, because that might make you seem a bit desperate... but you don't want it to be too short and lack luster, because that might make you seem like you are unexperienced. Then, of course, you want to make sure that you aren't too sloppy and all over the place, because... uh... crazy. In the end you just have to go for it and hope for the best.

For the record (in case my boys ever read this) I do not condone kissing before marriage... girls are gross... unless they are your wife... and that will be arranged... and subject to background check.

Alrighty, well lets get started. I guess the best place to start is by telling you about my family so you know why I'm slightly not sane (I'm not insane just slight NOT sane).

Thankfully, we just had our family pictures taken by my friend John Pyle, so you will actually see a picture of me that isn't from 1998. I'm usually behind the camera (hiding) so getting awesome pictures of our family was HUGE for us!

Me and My Love

Lance and I met when I was a sophomore in high school. I was 16 and he was 20. 

Confession #1: I totally lied and told my parents he was 18. 
Confession #2: He was really interested in my best friend but I was slick. Sorry babe!
Confession #3: I definitely have a box full of these...

Yes... time well spent in Computer Technology Class. I was an amazing writer straight from the start!

We got married 391 notes later in 2004. My pride will not allow me to continue this post without stating that Lance proposed to me at the top of a Spanish castle. *Smiles and bats eyelashes* I know, I know, so romantic! Well, I'm pretty sure that was God's way of preparing me for life full of red roses, massages, surprise getaways and poetic love notes. <--- That's me being sarcastic. 

But seriously y'all, I love my man!

Me and My Boys
In 2006 we welcomed Brayden Edward into the world.

Brayden is proof that birth control is not perfect! I hope that scares some of you! He was stubborn like his momma and refused to turn so I was gutted like a fish... it was worth it. Bray is smart and creative. He loves to draw and act. He's also quite tenderhearted. He is a Daddy's boy!

In 2009 we grudgingly accepted Asher Elias into the world. 

No, just kidding! He was lovingly welcomed, too. My pregnancy with Asher was pretty rough and wild. Now I know why. HE is rough and wild! He's also hilarious and brightens our day with his spunky personality. Asher is the child who will require many sets of stitches and probably a few casts over his lifetime. I've come to accept that. (Asher, sorry son, but I had to pick this picture for the contrast)

So that's our family in a nutshell! Of course there is PLENTY more to tell, but that's sort of what this blog is for. I wouldn't want to spoil it all for you, and so before I make this first post too long or sloppy, I'm going to call it quits. 

Until next time! -K

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