Saturday, June 23, 2012

Love Me or Hate Me

****This turned into a radom thoughts post. Too much bouncing around in this little brain of mine.****

“Love me or hate me, both are in my favor…If you love me, I'll always be in your heart…If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind.” 
 William Shakespeare

This should be the company motto for Netflix, because I am quite certain I am not the only one who has a love/hate relationship with this piece of technology. They crushed my sweet mommy heart when they removed EV-ER-Y Wiggle movie!! Why?!? Must be a bunch of single men running the show! But I must admit that Netflix is one of my best babysitters and is much of the reason I get a daily shower. 

Brayden hasn't figured out the whole "search" thing yet. He says "Look for Petter Pan". I type P-A-N and nothing comes up. He freaks out because I didn't enter the whole thing. This is where the grace of God helps me not to say a string of curse words. But what do I know? I mean, he is 5 WHOLE years old and I am only 28. Obviously, he knows more about Netflix than I do! Here's a picture for you...

I cut my hair off yesterday. Yeah, I know, there wasn't much there to cut in the first place, but it's definitely shorter. I had her chop off the stylish longer bangs that I so stylishly pinned back with a clip everyday. Think Halle Berry short hair on a pale white girl's body. 

Speaking of pale white girl... Y'all! I cannot get my legs to tan to save my life. What the heck?! We've been going to the pool for a couple of hours every other day to let the boys swim, and no tan legs. I'm pretty sure when I was younger my legs would tan. Even wearing white shorts they still look albino white! What happened to 1/16 of me that is American Indian? 

So yesterday I made homemade pot roast, mashed potatoes and field peas. By "homemade" I mean I put the packaged roast  and canned peas in the microwave and poured potato flakes into a pan... in my my very own home = homemade. If you ask nicely I'll send you the recipe. Contrary to how it sounds, it was actually really good for a quick meal. Even Asher loved it! See?

Brayden, on the other hand, did not...

He said, "My belly hurts REALLY bad... because of YOU!" Yes, my precious little sugar dumplin... your horrible mother and father will continue to make you eat what we cook, because contrary to your belief, it's not healthy for you to survive on Frosted Flakes and Mac-n-Cheese. 

Sooooo, when Brayden is not complaining about the voluntary IBS I have inflicted upon him, he is asking for a sister. Yep. I'm not sure why, but I never really expected this from him. I remember I used to beg for a brother or sister when I was little but that's because I was an only child for 12 years. I just didn't see this coming! He's also been praying every night, "God, thank you for today. Thank your for your grace and mercy and all you do for us. Please give me a sister." 

God, I know you have a sense of humor, but if I turn up pregnant after having my tubes double tied (according to Dr. Rich) I'm seriously not going to be laughing. 

My sciatic nerve has been killing me for a week! It's made me lazy and I have not run my sprints all week. Shameful, I know!

And last random thought.... I've lived in Georgia all my life and this morning was the first time ever that I have eaten a fresh peach for breakfast. Ain't it purtty? It even had a cute little peach dimple. :)

Until next time! - K

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