Friday, May 16, 2014

Today is an AMAZING day!!!!

Today is an amazing day! I am excited! I am thrilled! I am in shock! God has done it again! He has moved mountains and answered another of our BIG prayers! All glory goes to Him!

Today we found out that we have ARC and NOC approvals!!!!! 

Sometimes I miss The Wiggles. Maybe R will like them.

This is HUGE!!!!

ARC is the state approval and NOC is the national approval. ARC comes first since it’s required for NOC.

On average is seems to take about 5-6 months for families to get both ARC and NOC (sometimes it takes much longer). Below are real timelines of other families adopting from India.

Referral papers in June and NOC in November = 5 months
Referral papers in January and NOC in July = 6 months
Referral papers in August and NOC in January = 5 months
Referral papers in August and NOC in December = 6 months
Referral papers in January and NOC in June = 4 months
Referral papers in July and NOC in January = 6 months
Referral papers in January and NOC in October = 9 months
Referral papers in January and NOC in August = 7 months

We signed our referral papers on February 8th and got NOC May 16. THREE MONTHS!!! Praise the Lord!!

We are now waiting on a court date! The courts will be closed the whole month of June so we are praying for a early July court date. Once again this is another BIG prayer to pray!  

Once you have a court date it generally takes 1-3 months to pass court. After court we will travel about 6 weeks later after the girls passports are ready! Keep praying with us that God would continue to move mountains to bring our girls home quickly! I am still praying for travel at the end of August or early September!

I had to celebrate the special day with a little gift for our soon to be new United States Citizens! I got them matching red, white and blue tees to wear home on the plane!!! :)

Praying we hear great court news soon! After we pass court and the girls are officially ours, I will unlock the blog!

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