Thursday, May 22, 2014

10 Years Ago Today

Ten years ago today, Lance got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. He says I didn't say "yes" but obviously I indicated that in some way since we are indeed married. Y'all, my boy did well! Not many can top his proposal!

We had taken a trip with our church college group to Alcala de Henares, Espana (AKA Alcala, Spain) to visit our friends Brent and Jade Collins who had been living there for about a year. I loved Spain! It was my first taste of Europe and I can't wait to one day go back. I love history and architecture and culture so of course I LOVED Spain!

Our first day in Alcala!

The city of Alcala is old and awesome! Cobblestone streets, little cafes and shops, siestas, roses the size of your head... I can still remember what the air smells like. I often miss the cafe con leche we drank every morning that tasted like dirt. Totally random info, but Bath and Body Works Coconut Lime Verbena is one of my favorites because that's what we used in our hotel room in Alcala so it always takes me back to Spain when I smell it.

Well, it just so happened while we were in Spain, the Spanish Price was getting married. It was a big deal! Similar to the British Royal weddings. They were selling china with their pictures on it... we passed on that.

The day the prince was getting hitched, we hopped on a bus and went to the beautiful city of Segovia. This city is breathtaking. It felt like going back in time. More cobblestone streets, narrow ally ways, ancient Roman aqueducts... and a castle.

This is the castle Alcazar. Alcazar was a fortress built in sometime in the 11th or 12th century that later housed royalty. It's shaped like the bow of a ship and was the refuge of Queen Isabella. Christopher Columbus may have walked these halls. But more importantly to me than all of that, this is the place where Lance asked me to marry him. I told you he did well!

Alcazar of Segovia
We actually could have gotten married in Spain that day. They were PAYING people like ∉500 to get married the same day as the royal wedding. After dating for four years, we briefly thought about it, but we figured that wouldn't sit well with our parents. Regardless, it was a really special day!

Before we went into the castle.

He was so nervous!

It's hard to believe that a decade has passed since we climbed the narrow spiral stairs to that tower and looked over those stone walls. Life goes by so fast and so much changes! I'm so very thankful for the husband God gave me and the life he has blessed us with.

I believe this was our day in Madrid.
Happy "Proposal Day" Lance! I love you more! -K

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