Saturday, March 16, 2013

Why The Lock Down?

I've had a few people ask me what this whole lock down thing is about, so I figured I would post a quick explanation. 

I'm pretty sure everyone who has permission to read my post so far knows that we are adopting. If you didn't know that, SURPRISE! :) Anyways, we are finishing up our home study and we will be sending our dossier (a freakishly huge pile of paperwork) to [country in Asia] soon. Yay for progress! 

I decided to lock my blog down because I want to protect our family and our daughters in [country in Asia] once [country in Asia] knows who we are and begins deciding if they will allow us to adopt their orphans. I know this probably sounds a bit paranoid, but I would rather not risk anything. Also, there are people "out there" who DO NOT agree with international adoption and I've heard of some adoptive mom blogs getting flooded with harassment from people who don't even know the authors. I have enough drama in my life, so I'll pass on asking for any extra.

I actually planned to wait until we got registered with the Adoption Resource Authority before I locked things down. I hoped that this would allow more people to get added to the list (I have been impressed that there are, in fact, more than two people who read my blog!), but I felt I needed to go ahead and close the door. Here's why...

Supposedly this is Ind*an folk art. Mmmkay

Remember how I said we had gotten first row seats on a super rocky roller coaster that launched on Valentines Day? Well, things have slowed down a bit, but we got some new riders. Our agency director had told us weeks ago that she was looking into the mechanics of our roller coaster to determine if it will throw us out at some point. After not having heard from her in about a month, she surprised us with an email informing us that an attorney and judge would be hoping aboard our coaster. Umm yeah, was not expecting that, but God keeps reminding me that this is not in our hands. Sooooo, now that our information has made it's way to the other side of the world a bit earlier than we were expecting, I decided to lock up. 

Make sense? Good! Thank you all for caring about our family and praying for us! Please continue to pray!

Until next time! -K

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