The Final Pieces
Some of you may remember that I've been working on a huge puzzle. I've mentioned it a few times. It's a 2,000 piece puzzle of a beautiful picture of the Taj Mahal. I absolutely love it but I had no freaking clue how big this thing was! This puzzle is over 3 feet wide and over 2 feet tall! It's been sitting on my rather large coffee table for many, many months waiting to be finished. When I started, one friend had said "DONT DO IT! You will do all that work, get to the end and there will be pieces missing!" but it was just too beautiful not to take the risk. Honestly though, it has been there for so long and covered with so many toys and knocked so often by arms, legs, butts and cats that I really wasn't sure if it was all still there, and I wondered if she was right.
The other night my friend Lauren and I sat down and worked the puzzle for a good hour or so. I had thought the thing would never get done, but her help gave me just the right amount of momentum to get back to work on it.
Yesterday, the boys and I had a movie day. We had rented a couple of flicks and started watching them shortly after breakfast. I sat next to the puzzle and worked on it while we watched. Not long after The Guardians had defeated The Boogeyman, the pieces just started to fall into place. It was as if it was just meant to be finished that day... and so it was. And not a single piece was lost! It was miraculously all still there!
As I was putting the last few pieces in their destined spots, I realized how much peace and contentment I have over our adoption right now. It's like I can see that our puzzle is coming together just the way it should. I know that shortly all the final pieces will just fall into place and I will be standing in awe of the finished work. It will be finished and no pieces will be missing... I can just feel it! I am settled about it.
Five days ago I was not this way. Rather, I was frustrated, down and feeling like this was all just make believe... none of this was a reality. I have no idea what changed. Maybe it was getting rid of some distractions so I could get some things done, maybe it was realizing that I just don't have any control over it, maybe it was just the pure mercy of our Father in Heaven (I'm pretty sure it's at lease this one), or maybe it was all of the above. I don't know, but I am so thankful for this peace as we wait for the final pieces to fall into place!
Until next time! -K
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