Thursday, May 16, 2013

Referral Part 1

I have been waiting to write this for so long that I don’t even know how to get it all out. So, bear with me. I will post the whole story in a series of posts.

Back in February I posted a very vague, mysterious post about our “roller coaster” and I asked for your prayers. Today, I get to share with you about our roller coaster and where your prayers have gotten us! Here it goes...

On Valentines Day, I opened up my email as I usually do while the boys are eating breakfast and I found an email from our adoption agency titled “Would you?” I opened the email and as I read the words my mouth fell open and my heart began to race. This is what I read:

“Hi, God just send these precious little girls to me and I am wondering if you would be interested.”

With shaking fingers, I directed my computer mouse to the attachment and clicked to open it. Here is what I saw:

(pictures removed)

They are bio sisters and their names are K (5), K (4) and R (21 months)

Words cannot describe how I felt the first time I saw those sweet little faces. For a brief moment I let myself feel the affection that swelled inside my heart for these children whose existence I was not even aware of just minutes before. I quickly tried to put up a guard around my heart and speak some sense into myself. I didn’t want to get attached too quickly. That was very hard. It was as if I had always known them somehow... literally, it was love at first sight no matter how hard I fought it. 

I called Lance and told him to get his tail back to the house because we had just gotten a referral! Lance came home and we stared at these girls with short black hair and dark beautiful eyes. We zoomed in and zoomed out. We looked at each other searching for an answer as to why these faces were even before us and what we were supposed to do about it. What was God doing? This was crazy! We were in shock. I don’t think I took a breath for about 15 minutes. 

It’s a major understatement to say that we were not expecting this “referral”! We were still nowhere near the place where we would normally receive a referral. And once we did get to that stage of the process, we were expecting two, t-w-o not THREE. We had a lot to discuss and pray about. 

A bit later we got some more pictures...

Oh as if the first pictures were not heart melting enough. 

On this day, Lance and I were actually heading out on a road trip to the nation of Texas with our good friends David and Andrea (Because nothing says "Happy Valentines Day" like a 750 mile road trip). I had not packed or cleaned or done anything I needed to do. I would later figure out that I was also hormonal... enough said. Things were pretty wild.  I was just a mess of adrenaline and nerves. 

We did finally make it on the road that evening. Poor David and Andrea! They had no idea they had signed up for a 12 hour drive with a hormonal nut job. Thankfully, they are just so super awesome that they put up with us and this situation the whole time without a single complaint, sigh or eye roll (all of which would have been well deserved).

At the end of the day, after praying, talking, praying, going over all the practical/financial stuff, praying, having our case worker do the same, praying, seeking the advice of a lot of people we respect and then praying some more, we felt that we needed to move forward with these girls and at least see where God would lead us. We knew he would close the door if this was not his will and we were okay with that. We were nervous and excited all at the same time and, while we thought it was crazy, it just felt right. 

So late that night, we sent an email to our agency that said, “Yes, we are interested! What's next?” And so our roller coaster began. More of the story to come soon!

Until next time! -K

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